links to good things
Levina Terlinc, Portrait of an Unknown Woman,
London: Victoria & Albert Museu
- H E C A A Enfilade, a serial newsletter for Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art & Architecture
a wonderful resource for news about everything relevant. - The Georgian Papers Programme. King’s College London and the Royal Archives established the Georgian Papers Programme (GPP) to enrich public historical understanding of Britain, George III, British monarchy and a crucial period in British and world history. Fellowships for Research are available. Researching the 18th or early 19th century? Join our Not So Secret society. The King’s Friends is a new, key feature of the Georgian Papers Programme designed for scholars. We are a free-to-join international community of those whose work stands to benefit from the digitization of the Georgian papers in the Royal Archives, and who in turn can help make the project a success. Simply create a profile on The King’s Friends website to receive news you can use from the GPP.
- Society for the History of Collecting London-based international not-for-profit society bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines who are interested in the study of collecting in all its ramifications, including the relationships between collecting and the art market. We cover all aspects of collecting, whether amassed by private individuals or public institutions, and ranging through any time in the past to the present day. Zoom presentations for the duration.
Seminar on Collecting and Display: London based. Zoom for the duration.The Fred Smith Library at Mt Vernon. Wonderful programs: lectures, symposia, and research fellowships.
- RSA The Renaissance Society of America. Keep up on things relating to Early Modern Europe. Virtual meeting in 2021. Dublin in 2022.
- The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference. A great and welcoming conference. 2021 meeting in San Diego. Associated with the Sixteenth-Century Journal.
- The International Council of Museums. Something for everyone in the museum world.
- Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender. An interdisciplinary membership group that sponsors an award-winning journal (EMW), awards prizes and research grants and sponsors sessions at several annual meetings, e.g. MLA, AHA, CAA,RSA, SCSC, etc. Join!
- The Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library Not just Shakespeare but the whole cultural world of Early Modern Europe. Seminars and Conferences.
- Society of Architectural Historians. Wonderful conferences and study tours. Local chapters with lecture programs. Join. 2022 conference in Pittsburgh.
- The Paul Mellon Centre, London. Research Institute on British Art with some funding opportunities.
- The Attingham Trust
offers specialists’ courses on English Country Houses and their contents and on other collections.
Research institute and library rich in collections on the Classical Tradition and the Renaissance. Graduate programs, lectures.